How we will keep the students safe:
Lisa or Kimberly will meet the students at their given time at the EODS gate.
All students will wash their hands on arrival and departure of their drama session.
All resources and the hall, handles and doors will be deep cleaned before each session and in between sessions.
There will be no soft furnishings (sorry no dressing up or cushions).
We will only be using chairs as props and these will be cleaned before and after use and will not be shared between groups (luckily there are lots of chairs).
There will be social distancing floor signals on the hall floor and corridors.
Groups will not pass or mix and will be staggered so not to pass each other.
We will have tissues, hand sanitiser and antibacterial wipes available in all rooms.
We will provide clear routines for our staff if anyone falls ill during a session.
Please follow these rules:
Do not drop your child off before their given time.
Do not pick your child up later than their given finishing time.
Please do not send your child to drama classes if they display any of the following symptoms;
- A high temperature.
- A new continuous cough.
- A loss of, or change to your sense of smell or taste.
Please can all students bring in their own pencil case with pens in it and a book with their own pieces and scripts in it. I will email any that are needed. Please print off yourselves and put in your own book. Any families without a printer please contact me.
Please keep mobile phones in your bag or jacket at all times.
Do not bring any extra belongings other than those required to the group please.
Please do not change in the toilets, make sure you wear comfy PE style clothes to every session. Shoes to be kept on.
Please bring your own water bottle clearly labelled if needed.